Brian M Hunt
Splash by
COVID Exponential Growth Estimator
Kasparov's Razor
How Mortgages Neutered Monetary Policy
Debugging Deep Promises
ACME + AppEngine ... Simplified
Let's Encrypt - ACME on AppEngine
Picking our roots: Between HSTS and public key pins
Properly Parsing HTML in HTML5
Details on the new Knockout Website
New Knockout Website
Caching almost everything static on Google App Engine
Joining Knockout.js maintainers
Opinionated modals with Knockout
Follow along at Airconf 2014
Taming contentEditable with jQuery
Knockout observables and Promises
Google App Engine tags for ndb
Catching Sinon Unmet Requests
Open Source Exposure
Knockout catching errors
Knockout Secure Binding
Knockout and foreign keys extender
Storing passwords using Python
Importance of typography
Permanent HTTP caching and busting
Asynchronous client-side Javascript page loading