Brian M Hunt
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Knockout observables and Promises
Jul 9, 2014

What is it?

This is just a few notes about using Knockout observables with ES6 Promises.

Why is it important?

The concepts here are reusable ways for promises and pub/sub systems to interact in a healthy way.

Publish and subscribe and promises are two canonical, widely-supported methods of handling asynchronous flow. The ease at which they communicate with each other makes asynchronicity easier to handle.

Promises to observables

Publishing to an observable when a promise completes is trivial. For example, given a promise promise and an observable obs:


When the promise completes it passes the promised value to the observable.

resolve_when something is published

When something is published, one often wants to fulfill a promise (once). Here is a way to do that.

Here is the scenario. You have an observable obs, you want to do something when it is given (or has) a value or meets a test. Like this:


or an arbitrary test

function test(t) {
  return t == 'value'
resolve_when(obs, test).then(do_something);

Here is a jsFiddle in Coffeescript with a function, resolve_when that accomplishes this:

For convenience, here is an equivalent resolve_when function in Javascript:

function resolve_when(obs, test) {
  if (!test) {
    test = function (t) { return Boolean(t) }  
  if (test(obs()) { return Promise.resolve(obs); }
  return new Promise(function (resolve) {
    var subs = obs.subscribe(function(v) {
      if (test(v)) {


Of course this just scratches the surface, but I hope this highlights the conceptual elements of publish and subscribe and promises.

I hope you find the above useful, and please feel free to comment.